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SOLD!!!!!!!!   Yep, that's right, you can now own one of the most badass Jeep Comanches out there. This was our test bed for virtually every product SFR has developed for the XJ/MJ vehicle platform, and as a result has virtually every product we make. If you know anything about our products, that basically means this Jeep has the best of everything. On top of that, virtually every single drivetrain component has been replaced. From axles to engine, EVERYTHING is new with less than 5000miles on it.  The Lab Rat is a 1989 Jeep Comanche, Short Bed, 6cyl, auto, originally...

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There are a lot of companies making Jeep motor mounts these days, and several making engine brackets and transmission mounts as well. We like to think that we build the best of both, and we feel we can back that statement up. They may seem like simple parts, but there are a lot of little details that go into building heavy duty drivetrain mounts that will stand the test of time, absorb as much vibration as possible, and not break the bank either. So what makes ours better? Motor Mounts We'll start with our motor mounts. The first thing is...

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Here's another new product we've been working on for a long time. The inverted-T steering system is a very common design, sold by many companies including SFR. The only drawback to this design is that if you have significant drag link angle turning the wheel tends to push and pull in a vertical direction on the tie rod and roll it back and forth. This causes a dead spot and loose feeling steering. With our Premium 1-ton kits we mostly mitigated this issue by choosing high quality MOOG tie rod ends that are both limited in rotation, and that also...

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This is the story of our shop truck, which we call the Lab Rat. The reason for that is simple enough, not only is it a work vehicle, used for parts runs and local deliveries, but it's also a test vehicle for new product development. We've got a lot of plans for it, but those plans will likely change with time as we develop new parts and get new ideas.  This is just the start. A well worn 2wd 4.0l 1989 Jeep Comanche pickup. Certainly not much of a looker, but it's rust free and reasonably straight. 

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